St. Mark's Staff
Fr. RJ JohnsonFr. RJ is a graduate of Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He has served parishes in Wisconsin, Virginia, Florida, Wyoming, and Ohio.
He was raised in the Methodist Church, and became an Episcopalian while earning his B.A. in Theology at Oral Roberts University. He grew up in Colorado and enjoys hiking, climbing, and skiing. He also enjoys woodworking and playing classical guitar. Fr. RJ is married to Lisa, and has a daughter, Rose and a son, CJ. |
W. Robert Morrison, Organist/ChoirmasterW. Robert (Bob) Morrison is St. Mark's parish musician. Trained in Baltimore's Peabody Conservatory under organ virtuoso Virgil Fox, he pursued graduate studies with Alexander McCurdy at Westminster Choir College in Princeton NJ (founded by Canton native John Finley Williamson). He came to Canton in 1951 as full-time musician at the downtown Methodist Church from which he retired after 45 years. The lure of an Episcopal liturgy coaxed him out of retirement, and in 1997 he came to St. Mark's by way of invitation from Carey Sloan, rector at the time. In addition to his own contributions to our worship, Mr. Morrison is also known for his ability to recruit regular guest musicians to enhance the liturgy.
Since his arrival, additional ranks and digital voices have been added to the organ, a grand piano added to the Sanctuary (used regularly for two-piano numbers), and the choir room refurbished in memory of his wife Kathleen. St. Mark's volunteer choir boasts several fine soloists, regularly featured both during the choir's active season (September - May) and in summer. Under Bob's direction, we are also expecting to do more with our 25 Schulmerich handbells. Each week, for the Sunday bulletin, Mr. Morrison writes "Music Notes", detailing some of the history and inspiration for the music used in worship. He is also widely known for his column "Bob's Pen" which appears in our monthly newsletter The Lion's Tale. In it he features portraits of St. Mark's members. |
Charlie Kiesling, TreasurerI am a cradle Episcopalian born in Canton and attended St. Paul’s Canton. MaryAnn and I attended St. Paul’s until we moved to Michigan along with our youngest of three sons when the Ford Motor Co. closed their Canton plant. While in Michigan we were members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brighton and then St. James Episcopal Church in Dexter. We transferred to St. Mark’s about 8 years ago as we prepared to move back to the Canton area for retirement. We followed our oldest son Dave and his family to St. Mark’s and it has worked out great. |
Joe Hoot, Grounds & Building MaintenanceJoe is a cradle Episcopalian. He has been involved in Children's Choir, participates as an acolyte, is the head of Buildings & Grounds, and is currently serving for the first time on Vestry. Joe has big shoes to fill, as his family tree is full of Episcopalians. He looks forward to keeping those shoes on (even though they don't fit right, he says.) He enjoys golfing, the beach, and travelling. He also likes to spend time with his daughter, Lauren. The two of them enjoy fishing and NASCAR together. Joe works a full-time job as a sales rep for Keystone Automotive and also part-time for Charlie Brown Catering. He loves a good glass of Merlot with a steak and a bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day.